Comprehensive and portable first aid kits specifically designed for tree and industrial work. Packed with essential medical supplies, including bandages, splints, antiseptics, and wound dressings, these kits enable prompt response to injuries on-site. Lightweight, waterproof, and easily accessible, they ensure preparedness and safety for workers in potentially hazardous situations.
When severe haemorrhage control is needed, having a kit equipped with the right medical products is essential. Simple, user-friendly Bleed Control Kits are critical to the effectiveness of first responders....
When severe haemorrhage control is required, having a kit with the necessary equipment is vital. Keeping bleed control kits simple and easy to use is crucial to the success of...
Small Workplace Kit BS 8599-1:2019 Compliant Our range of BS 8599-1:2019 compliant Home and Workplace First Aid Kits have been reviewed and amended to reflect the changing workplace environment. The...
SOLO - Personal First Aid Pack The STEIN SOLO Personal First Aid Pack is an essential piece of equipment for every arborist. Compact and practical, it equips you to handle a wide...
The STEIN Personal First Aid Re-Fill Pack. Re-Fill Contents: 1 x No. 14 Medium Wound Dressing1 x 20ml Ampoule Eye/Wound Solution1 x Medical Gloves (Large)1 x Pack of 10 large...
The STEIN Personal First Aid pack is a vital piece of equipment which should be carried by Arborists. This compact kit allows you to deal with the most common minor...
The Husqvarna First Aid Kit fits neatly into Forestry Tool Belt first aid holder. You'll have quick and convenient access for those unexpected outdoor emergencies. Includes 9 Plasters in various...
First aid bag for the TREE REX tree climbing harness. Ideal for storing emergency equipment such as a tourniquet and pressure bandage. Including fastening straps. TECHNICAL INFORMATION This has no first aid...
Clots blood in 30 seconds Significantly reduces blood loss Clots blood containing anticoagulants such as Coumadin, Heparin and Warfarin. Is effective in clotting hypothermic blood. Generates no heat Is simple...
To be effective in real use, haemostatic dressings need to work fast. Celox Rapid Gauze massively reduces the compression time needed to treat severe injuries, increasing the chance of survival...
C9.0 cohesive is a revolutionary dressing material that will only adhere/stick to itself and no other surface. It can be used on joints, muscles for general use or to protect...