This bag is spacious enough and stands upright when not folded allowing throwlines the space needed to avoid kinking and tying up. Features For storage, the bag folds neatly into...
The Edelrid Talon Climbers is a new and innovative product from Edelrid. These climbing spikes have been designed to give the climber maximum comfort by shaping the shank to sit...
The TREE CRUISER system complements our foot ascender FOOT CRUISER with a connecting plate. This way it is possible to attach it to the TALON tree crampon. Cam with self-cleaning...
Size-adjustable chest strap for comfortable ascent on a single rope using the SRT technique. No PPE. 3D mesh padding for maximum comfort and improved air circulation Various fastening loops for fixation...
First aid bag for the TREE REX tree climbing harness. Ideal for storing emergency equipment such as a tourniquet and pressure bandage. Including fastening straps. TECHNICAL INFORMATION This has no first aid...
Rope bridge set for the TREE REX tree climbing harness consisting of two rope bridges, a short prusik for individual length adjustment of the rope bridge and a connecting ring....